Happy Earth Day!
Our Director of Education, Krista Dawson shares some peeks into her yard and some ideas for celebrating Earth Day!
Published on April 22, 2020

April 22 is Earth Day and we invite you and your kiddos to do an activity and make an impact. Below are interesting links with great ideas- dig around and try something! There’s no reason every day can’t be Earth Day and now while we are still staying closer to home, we can really look around us and see how we can have a positive impact in the world around us…plant a garden, clean up a path, make a welcoming habitat for creatures in your yard- Let’s Do It!
Here are some things that I have been doing: we planted a new tree, we started a garden, I have a bird feeder…
Our new baby Redbud tree Mini garden with spring greens- YUM!
Take a slow walk in your neighborhood and really look- when I slowed down, I noticed this bee happily pollinating my flowers. Listen closely and you will hear the buzz of the bee and birdsong too!
Some good resources for ideas and information!
8 ways to have a kid-friendly Earth Day