Play Ahead – What Children Need
Time In this fast-paced world, time is at a premium. But sharing your time with a child is one of the most loving things a parent can do for them. It is not so much the quantity of time spent with them, but the fact that they have undivided attention during that time. Take the…
Published on March 21, 2020

In this fast-paced world, time is at a premium. But sharing your time with a child is one of the most loving things a parent can do for them. It is not so much the quantity of time spent with them, but the fact that they have undivided attention during that time. Take the time to really listen to children and take their ideas and feelings seriously.
Praise children often, not only when they have done something successfully, but praise their efforts. Tell them how terrific they are. Give them the surprise of unexpected praise. Children will blossom.
Hugs and Kisses
Show children they are loved. Affection, in the form of hugs and kisses, are easy to give and appreciated by all children, no matter what their age.
Children need to take on some responsibility, so they will feel useful and valued. Even very young children can learn to dress themselves or help set the table for dinner. Responsibility promotes independence, problem-solving and decision-making. Encourage them to do things for the family as well as themselves. Children need to come to understand the satisfaction in doing good work and not having everything done for them.
It sounds so simple, but it can be one of the most difficult things to do. Parents wish to shelter their children or they may feel their children do not have the ability to understand a situation. However, children need to hear the truth stated according to their developmental awareness. Truth is empowering and gives us direction.
The Gift of Failure
Allow children to see they can make mistakes and can learn from them. Understand the value of effort. We all have imperfections. Discuss problems and mistakes with children without placing blame and help them find solutions. They will grow from their experiences, both good and bad.
Memories of a Good Home
Children who grow up surrounded by love and respect have a solid foundation to create their own good homes as adults. Children need to know unconditional love.